🚀 5 minutes tutorial


For now, Stripe is the only payment provider included in this boilerplate. Lemon Squeezy is coming soon.


Setup Stripe

Go in .env and add your Stripe keys.

Create products

A product is already created in the database/seeds/products.ts file.
To create a new seed file, you can use the following command: node ace make:seed name_of_the_seed

To seed the database, you can use the following command:

npm run db:seed

The product will be available in the Stripe dashboard.

Listen to webhooks

You can listen to webhooks in the app/stripe/controllers/stripe_controller.ts file.

But, before that, you'll need to listen to the webhooks locally. You can do this by running the following command:

npm run stripe:listen

You need to have a Stripe account & local endpoint to listen to webhooks (opens in a new tab)

Then, go to app/stripe/controllers/stripe_controller.ts

And listen to events:

      switch (body.type) {
        case "checkout.session.completed":
          await this.stripeShopService.completeCheckoutSession(body.data.object as Stripe.Checkout.Session);
        case "invoice.payment_succeeded":
          const invoice = body.data.object as Stripe.Invoice;
          await this.stripeShopService.renewSubscription(invoice);
        case "customer.subscription.deleted":
          await this.stripeShopService.cancelSubscription(body.data.object as Stripe.Subscription);

Checkout a product

  const handleClick = (productId: number) => {
    makeRequest("checkout", { productId: productId });
  <Button className="w-full" onClick={() => handleClick(product.id)}>Get in now!</Button>

And yeah, that's It! You can now checkout a product. The id is the id of the product in the database.

Update products

You can update products in the admin dashboard. Go to (http://localhost:3333/dashboard/admin (opens in a new tab)) and update the product. It will update the product in the Stripe dashboard,and the price will be updated in the database.

Showing plans in the landing page

A semi-automatic component was already made in the /inertia/app/components/landing/turbo_saas/automatic_pricing.tsx file.
You'll just need to update the benefitList property in the automatic_pricing.tsx file, the id is the id of the product in the database. An example of the component is available in the index.tsx file.

<AutomaticPricing productList={props.products} />

Ready for production

For production, you'll just need to add your stripe wekbook to your Stripe dashboard. It will listen to stripe/webhook route in stripe_router.ts file.