✨ Basics
Blank Screen on Responses

Blank screen on responses

You have blank screen on responses. Why?


It means that you are not returning a valid response for inertia. You should not return any JSON from your controllers.

How to fix it if I need data ?

You can return a inertia.render function.

  async index({ inertia, request }: HttpContext) {
    const payload = await indexValidator.validate(request.all());
    let products = await this.productService.getProducts();
    return inertia.render("index", {
      products: ProductPresenter.presentList(products),
      referer: payload.referer

Another example:

  async general({inertia, auth}: HttpContext) {
    return inertia.render("dashboard/dashboard", {githubUsername: auth.user!.githubUsername});
 //later, in the dashboard.tsx file, you can access the data like this
  const Dashboard = (props: InferPageProps<DashboardController, 'general'>) => {

See Page props for more information.