✨ Basics

Middlewares in AdonisJS

Middlewares in AdonisJS

Middlewares in AdonisJS are functions or classes that execute logic before or after handling an HTTP request. They can intercept requests, modify request or response objects, perform authentication, and more.

Creating a Middleware

Middlewares are typically created as classes with a handle method that defines the middleware logic.

Example AuthMiddleware

Here's an example of an AuthMiddleware class that performs authentication and redirects unauthenticated users.
Important! Middlewares are registered in the start/kernel.ts file. Registering Middlewares

ctx is the HTTP context object, which contains information about the incoming request, such as the request method, URL, headers, session, inertia, auth...

import type { HttpContext } from "@adonisjs/core/http";
import type { NextFn } from "@adonisjs/core/types/http";
import type { Authenticators } from "@adonisjs/auth/types";
import User from "#common/models/user";
export default class AuthMiddleware {
   * The URL to redirect to, when authentication fails
  redirectTo = '/auth/login';
  async handle(
    ctx: HttpContext,
    next: NextFn,
    options: {
      guards?: (keyof Authenticators)[]
    } = {}
  ) {
    await ctx.auth.authenticateUsing(options.guards, { loginRoute: this.redirectTo });
    // Check if user information is incomplete and not navigating to OTP route
    if (!User.isInformationComplete(ctx.auth.user!) && !ctx.request.url().includes("otp")) {
      return ctx.response.redirect().toRoute('otp.next-step');
    return next();

Registering Middlewares

Middlewares can be registered in the start/kernel.ts file.

export const middleware = router.named({
  guest: () => import('#common/middleware/guest_middleware'),
  auth: () => import('#auth/auth_middleware'),

Middleware Properties

  • handle: The handle method is invoked for each incoming HTTP request. It performs authentication using AdonisJS auth, redirects unauthorized requests, and ensures complete user information for specific routes.

Usage in Routes

Middlewares can be applied globally, to specific routes, or to groups of routes in the route definitions.

Example Usage in Routes

import router from "@adonisjs/core/services/router";
import AccountController from "./controllers/account_controller";
import { middleware } from "#start/kernel";
import AuthMiddleware from "./middleware/AuthMiddleware";
router.group(() => {
  router.get("/", [AccountController, "update"]).as("account.update");
export default router;
  • Middleware Application: The AuthMiddleware is applied to routes within the /account prefix to enforce authentication.

Benefits of Using Middleware

  • Authentication: Middlewares like AuthMiddleware handle authentication logic, ensuring only authenticated users access protected routes.
  • Request Manipulation: Modify request or response objects, perform logging, or enforce specific behaviors across routes.
  • Flexibility: Middlewares can be customized and reused across different parts of your application, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

See more

Middleware in AdonisJS provides a powerful mechanism for intercepting and processing HTTP requests, allowing you to enforce rules, manipulate requests, and enhance security and functionality in your application.