🚀 5 minutes tutorial
Page Props

Page props

Page props with AdonisJS and Inertia are a powerful feature that allows you to pass data to your pages.

Passing data to pages

Going into the index_controller.ts file you'll see that we return an inertia.render function.

  async index({ inertia, request }: HttpContext) {
    const payload = await indexValidator.validate(request.all());
    let products = await this.productService.getProducts();
    return inertia.render("index", {
      products: ProductPresenter.presentList(products),
      referer: payload.referer

We are passing the products and referer to the index.tsx file.

The index.tsx have this in params: props: InferPageProps<IndexController, 'index'>, where IndexController is the controller name and index is the method name.

const Home = (props: InferPageProps<IndexController, 'index'>) => {
  return (
      <Seo title={`${AppConfig.brandName} - The ultimate boilerplate for your needs.`}
           description={"TurboSaaS is a comprehensive AdonisJS boilerplate with Inertia.js, enabling developers to quickly ship projects with built-in features like Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and authentication."}
           keywords={"TurboSaaS, AdonisJS, Inertia.js, boilerplate, Stripe integration, Lemon Squeezy, authentication, developer tools, SaaS, web development, turbosaas, shipfast, boilerplate, saas, saas boilerplate, saas tool, saas generator, saas template,"} />
      <Hero />
      <HowItWorks />
      <FeaturesSection />
      <AutomaticPricing productList={props.products} />
      <Testimonials />

Try it! Do some props. and let the magic happen. Everything is typed, and you'r sure to receive that data. Now, you can use it in your components.

Passing user data to pages

Go into /config/inertia.ts file, and you'll find the sharedData property.

  sharedData: {
    errors: (ctx) => ctx.session?.flashMessages.get("errors"),
    user: async (ctx) => {
      if (ctx.auth.user) {
        await ctx.auth.user.load('address')
        return ctx.auth.user
      return undefined
    toast: (ctx) => ctx.session?.flashMessages.get("toast"),
  • errors are automatically toasted, handled in the handler.ts file & main_layout.tsx file.
  • toast is automatically toasted, handled in the main_layout.tsx file.

You can use the user property to get the user data inside your components.

const props = usePageProps();
const user = props.props.user;

Adding a new shared data

To add a new shared data, you can add it in the sharedData property in the config/inertia.ts file.
To make it type-safe in inertia, you have to go in the inertia/globals.d.ts file and add the new shared data.

import type { Page, PageProps } from "@inertiajs/core";
import User from "#common/models/user";
interface SharedProps extends PageProps {
  errors?: string | string[];
  toast?: {type: 'success' | 'error', message: string};
  user: User | undefined
export default SharedProps;
declare module "@inertiajs/react" {
  export function usePage(): Page<SharedProps>;